Get in the Twitter Game

Twitter is everywhere.  It is on your computer as an application (, your phone ( and maybe even your t-shirt.

The fact is, Twitter is everywhere and everyone it talking about it.  Jon Stewart isn’t such a big fan though ( but the craze is here and growing rapidly.

Whatever your reason for being on Twitter, follow people who might give you valuable insight to it and how best to utilize the technology.  It is never too early or too late to practice good Twitter-tips.  I like Dan Schawbel (@danschawbel) as he provides a variety of tips on Twitter and on Personal Branding which is his specialty.  While I do not agree with everything he puts out, it is very topical and gives some good exposure to different areas.

Build a network of what is of interest to you; jobs, technology, news, politics, finance, gaming, sports, dating, or whatever else and build a common interest theme.  Then, add people outside of this concentration to allow you to join a plethora of conversations and get exposed to a lot of areas.

Once you are on Twitter, join the conversation.  The best way to build your network is to be heard.